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The Prodigal Son Returns (after a whole year)

Hello! It is January 2024 (happy new year!), which means it has been a whole year since my last blog post! And so much has changed. This time last year, I was sitting in the same coffee shop I'm currently sat in now, expressing my disinterest in education, realising that my self-worth totally relied on productivity, all whilst feeling slightly lost in the world.    Long story short, not even a month after dismissing the idea of returning to education, I applied to two universities (Glasgow and Salford) for a master’s degree in creative writing, in a vague attempt to gain some normalcy and routine back in my ahh-everything-is-falling-apart-and-moving-so-quickly life. The University of Glasgow rejected me straight away, on my account of not having a bachelor's degree, which was fair enough, but The University of Salford invited me for an interview and asked to see examples of my creative and academic works. I had absolutely no hope that I would be accepted. For one, I hadn't

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